
Sonia, Fibromyalgia, "I wouldn't know what to do without them"

I just wanted to thank Mathias and his interdisciplinary team for their support over the past year. With their help, I made incredible progress and even recently walked ten kilometers without pain. Even though fibromyalgia is a challenging condition, I found someone who truly understood and helped me regain control over my body and my life.

Now, I'm able to pursue my goal of running the NUT 2019 and show everyone that even with fibromyalgia, you can take charge of your body without depending on ineffective medications. Thanks again to Mathias and the entire HumanPhysio team.

I'm Sonia, and I'm finally myself.

Sport and Pelvic Health: Barcelona Marathon

Hello, I'm 39 years old, married, and have two children. For the past few years, I've been regularly involved in physical activity, primarily in the gym and running. However, I started experiencing urinary incontinence issues during exercise, which worsened over the past year, especially during my preparation for the Barcelona Marathon.

These leaks significantly disrupted some of my outings, and I was very concerned about race day. So, I underwent pelvic floor rehabilitation and physiotherapy sessions, which included the use of INDIBA to relax my buttock, back, ischial, adductor, and pelvic belt muscles. The goal was to be able to run 42.195 km under the best possible conditions, with minimal pain and leaks.

Thanks to these treatments, my pain decreased, and I was able to participate in the marathon without major issues. Although there were some leaks, I could manage them with protective measures. I didn't even need to stop at the restroom, and I finished the race with a good feeling. I continue with physiotherapy and pelvic floor rehabilitation in the hope of permanently resolving these issues.

Sport (Golf) and Health: Rediscovered Hope

Following the Golf and Health program, or how to break free from sedentary living and its consequences (obesity, joint and muscular pain, lack of confidence...)

Thank you, Gerard, for this testimony:

"At the age of 65, when I first arrived at the practice, I could barely walk and bend down. In my mind, I was a man condemned to be disabled (I even have a card), a guy on the sidelines, a spectator of life...

In one word, I found "vitality" again. The road ahead is still long, but full of hope..."

Fighting My Parkinson's

I'm 53 years old, and I've had Parkinson's disease for about 4 years. After a surgical intervention that had mixed results, I suffered from muscle pain, insomnia, and concentration issues.

Since I had stopped all physical activity, my weight had increased to 103 kg. But the clinic helped me lose weight and improve my posture and balance. I've always loved outdoor sports and have been able to regain my motivation for regular physical activity, including climbing and mountaineering!

Although my condition continues to slowly deteriorate, I continue to visit HumanPhysio regularly to maintain my posture, balance, and mobility. It doesn't cure my disease...

Multiple Sclerosis and Physical Activity

"Thank you, madam, for your energy, your love for life, you are a role model for many of us." Mathias Willame

Amandine, almost 30 years old, a single mother.

Suffering from MS for 6 years, this disease could have destroyed me because I got sick in the middle of my nursing assistant studies after earning a medical secretary diploma. But after the shock and the start of treatments... This new life, because it is indeed a new life, because I believe it's all about accepting your new way of life and adapting to the disease.
And not living for the disease but living with it. Mathias's team and himself have contributed to all of this with intensive rehabilitation at first. And now, especially physical activity.

Thank you for your unwavering support.
Thank you for your professionalism.
Thank you for your desire to progress and make others progress.

Scoliosis: The Benefits of Sports?

Since July 2016, I have been receiving treatment at M. Mathias Willame's physiotherapy clinic. I want to testify to the spectacular and unexpected benefits of the sessions of physical preparation tailored to my spine. These sessions have allowed me to reintegrate my body, to reclaim it, and to exercise my muscles to become an active participant rather than a victim of my condition.

The caring support of the professionals at the Physioperf clinic has also played an essential role. My consumption of anti-inflammatories and painkillers has been significantly reduced thanks to these treatments. I am very grateful to Mr. Willame, the physiotherapists, the physical trainers, and the medical secretaries, especially Clarisse, for their efficiency and kindness. Thanks to all of them.

M. R.A.

Joanne DUDZIAK World Champion in 2003

We met in 1999 at the beginning of my career at HBCN, and we shared so many moments together.

A significant injury 9 months before the 2002 Olympics. My first knee rehabilitation and my first little miracle with participation in the Olympics and then the title of world champion in 2002. Until the end of your career, you gave me your professionalism and your trust, which helped me progress.

M. Willame in human relationships.

This Is My Way to Become a Champion...

Mathias Willame compares completing an Ironman to rehabilitation. The result is the same; there's no ranking, but just reaching the finish line, as Patrice says in his testimony: "FINISHING IS WINNING."

"It happened to me during an Ironman in Gard, where I had come to accompany two friends"...
"In the evening, in the car, on the way back, I started to cry: 'I want to do this, it's incredible'..."
"I wasn't a champion, or maybe I was one vicariously through the athletes I trained."


Lumbar Pain, the Strength of a Team...

For a year now, I've been receiving treatment from Mathias and his team. They've been incredibly attentive, caring, and understanding. Before meeting them, I suffered unbearable pain, had difficulty walking and sitting comfortably.

The treatments were intense, with painful massages and challenging moments, but also joyful moments. I also had the opportunity to meet wonderful patients who provided me with support.

Thanks to physical treatments and mental support, I was able to resume activities without pain, such as grocery shopping and gentle sports. My first victory was finishing the NUT, but I know that my journey is not over yet.

The HUMAN PHYSIO team, including the physiotherapists and coaches, continue to take care of me and adapt to my needs. I am about to start a new protocol that will allow me to resume climbing and soon weightlifting, which puts pressure on me, especially regarding my professional situation.

There is still a long way to go, but this adventure is a real source of strength for me. I want to thank the entire HUMAN PHYSIO team, as well as the secretaries who have been lovely. I am grateful to all those who follow and support me because I know I couldn't have done it without them. I feel stronger, more inspired, and more hopeful than ever!

Sylvie, 57 years old, History of Breast Cancer, 4 Fractures (Osteoporosis)

I would like to tell you about a place where a stream flows...

18 months ago, I arrived there feeling very depressed and in constant pain. But thanks to physical therapy exercises and regular follow-ups, I now feel better in my own skin and more confident. I only take painkillers occasionally and wear my corset belt only when necessary. This place is nurtured by competent, caring, and pleasant individuals, and the sessions always end with a "Have a great weekend, everyone! See you next week!" I've regained my smile and my spirits are high; I can leave my home, interact with others, and even return to work.

That's a year and a half of an effective and shared human journey.

Improved Recovery after Cervical Surgery

My "indiba" experience or how I regained the neck flexibility of a Bollywood dancer!
After cervical spine surgery, I was fortunate to be cared for by Mathias Willame and his fabulous team. I discovered this therapy during my very first session, just 15 days after my surgery. The immediate well-being it provided was remarkable! The relaxation of muscles is noticeable with each pass of the probe, which emits tolerable heat and very slight tingling due to the electric current. The stiffness that had set in due to wearing a neck brace and the fear of making improper movements, both at the surgical site and lower levels, vanished after 10 minutes of treatment.

What a joy it is to regain flexibility and range of motion in my movements!

Beyond the therapeutic effects of the treatment, there's an undeniable psychological element. The confidence it instills is a real boost for tackling the rehabilitation process. I'm convinced that this therapy can be used much earlier in postoperative treatment because it's gentle, non-invasive, and reassuring. I'm now three months into indiba treatment alongside more traditional, essential rehabilitation, and I can already envision a full recovery of my abilities at the end of my rehabilitation.

Mati PAUL, Artist from Les 7 Doigts de la Main

June 2016, just two weeks ago, I suffered a tendon injury in my biceps during training. Thanks to Dr. Olivier Mares, this gentleman saved me from surgery. They told me the story of how I would soon be well without an operation. He and his entire team helped me get back on my feet in record time. It wasn't magic; we worked hard and put our hearts into it.

Thank you to everyone who lent a hand; thank you very much. It wasn't magic.

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