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Applied Biomechanics Training

The training led by Dominique Bonneau in April 2023 on biomechanics was an exceptional experience for the entire team. Biomechanics, as a discipline that studies the movements of living beings...

Biomechanics Training

The training led by Dominique Bonneau in April 2023 on biomechanics was an exceptional experience for the entire team...

Pilates Rose and Avirose training

Thank you, Jocelyne ROLLAND, for your intervention in our office. Your sharing and expertise were essential for...

Michel Pradet training

The training conducted by Michel Pradet in April 2023 on physical preparation was a crucial step for...

Georges Billard training

The training provided by Georges Billard on surface electromyography (EMG) and electrotherapy was a crucial step for our team...

Urban Trail 2023

Establishment of a recovery space in collaboration with the Montpellier Institute of Physical Therapy and support for patients in realizing their...

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Biomechanics Training

The training led by Dominique Bonneau in April 2023 on biomechanics was an exceptional experience for the entire team.

Biomechanics, as a discipline studying the movements of living beings, has taken a central role in various fields, from sports medicine to biomedical engineering. The training day commenced with a thorough introduction to the fundamental principles of biomechanics. Dominique Bonneau clearly explained how forces act on the human body, with a focus on bones, muscles, and joints.

In summary, thanks to Dominique Bonneau and this training day, the team left with valuable tools and knowledge that enriched our understanding and skills, making us even more effective in serving you.

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Pilates Rose and Avirose training

Thank you, Jocelyne ROLLAND, for your intervention in our clinic.

Your sharing and expertise were essential to improve the care of our patients. Faced with the challenges of breast cancer, treatments, although vital, often leave sequelae such as fatigue, pain, or a weakened silhouette.

Rose Pilates, inspired by Pilates, proves crucial in helping these women reclaim their bodies and improve their well-being. It complements Avirose, rowing, which strengthens the entire body, optimizes cardiorespiratory capacities, and manages the side effects of treatments.

In summary, thanks to this combined approach, we are better equipped to support our patients in their healing journey.

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Michel Pradet training

The training conducted by Michel Pradet in April 2023 on physical preparation was a crucial step for our entire team.

Michel Pradet, with his expertise, immersed us in the intricacies of physical preparation, a fundamental pillar to optimize athletic performance and prevent injuries.

He clearly and comprehensively addressed key principles of training, the importance of planning, and specific methods to develop strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Michel Pradet, a certified Physical Education teacher, has been a professor at INSEP. He holds a Level 3 State Diploma in athletics and a Specialized Higher Education Diploma in Physical Preparation Engineering. He has also been an international athlete (400m hurdles, decathlon, high jump).

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Georges Billard training

The training provided by Georges Billard on surface electromyography (EMG) and electrotherapy was a crucial step for our team. Georges Billard, a renowned expert in the field, guided us through the nuances and practical applications of surface EMG, a technology used to measure the electrical activity of superficial muscles. He also enlightened our understanding of electrotherapy, a therapeutic modality utilizing electrical currents for rehabilitation and pain relief purposes.

In conclusion, thanks to Georges Billard's comprehensive training, our team is now better equipped to integrate surface EMG and electrotherapy into our treatment protocols, providing more comprehensive and personalized solutions to promote the recovery and well-being of our patients.

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Urban Trail 2023

Since 2016, with the creation of the Urban Trail, Human Physio has been present every year, ensuring the management and setup of a recovery space.

This year, we collaborated with l'IFMK de Montpellier to ensure better care for Urban Trail participants, while also providing personalized follow-up for our patients. Our goal is to support them in achieving their personal projects.

For instance, our associate, Roman Berthet, worked with one of our patients, Florent Canonge, who aimed to become a finisher in Nordic walking, one of the disciplines of the Urban Trail. Florent had a stroke following a car accident 20 years ago.

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Article - Chronic Pain

The assessment of patients is the key to effective management.

Four types of chronic diseases can be defined: musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs, low back pain...), metabolic and inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis...), cancer, and the sequelae of treatments.

All these patients may develop potential frailty factors and biopsychosocial chronicity. One does not cure a chronic condition; instead, one learns to live with it over time. Among these patients, some will be autonomous, even independent.

Others are more fragile, even 'unstable.' To illustrate, if we consider the vicious circle model of Vlaeyen...

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Article - Indiba, Preventing and Avoiding the Painful Experience

As a physiotherapist, we are increasingly receiving chronic patients in our clinics, and one of the most common chronic conditions is common chronic low back pain.

Regardless of the medical structure, the management of chronic low back pain is now recognized as multidimensional and multifactorial, adopting the famous bio-psycho-social model.

For several years, the slogan of various national organizations promoting physiotherapy treatments for low back pain has been to restore movement as quickly as possible. However, when we aim to reintegrate chronic low back pain patients into activity, it is essential to avoid the occurrence of painful events...

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Article - Shockwave Therapy: Physiological Effects ?

Shockwaves :The term is typically reserved for sound waves, but it is also used, by extension, to denote the mechanical wave that is transmitted from a point of direct impact.

These waves are characterized by a sudden and transient increase in pressure of high amplitude (up to several tens of bars) for a very short time (10 nanoseconds).

Following this phase of increase, there is a slightly longer phase of negative pressure, which is responsible for cavitation phenomena that come into play in their mechanical action (creation of microbubbles). The pulse frequency varies from 1 to 15/20 Hertz for the two methods. There are two types of machines: - Machines delivering waves...

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Article - Imoove: In Golfer's Monitoring

Having a 'good swing' is essential for a golfer. To acquire it, mastering the technique of the movement is crucial, but despite its optimization through the work of coaches, this aspect alone is not sufficient: the perfect swing gesture does not exist.

A club can be handled in an infinite number of ways to achieve the same result: having a 'square clubface' (when the clubhead makes contact with the ball while pointing towards the target) at impact.

Thus, many professional players have completely different swings, but they share an effective club descent, which transfers a very high percentage of the generated energy to the ball...

The swing is one of the athletic movements...

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Article - Pain: From Symptom to Chronicity

As a 2nd-year student at the IFMK (Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie) in Montpellier, it was during a internship that I became aware of the significant increase in the number of cases involving chronic or poly-pathological patients, with a large portion focused on the spinal and lumbopelvic regions.

For this article, I focused on chronic low back pain: complex and multifactorial. During initial assessments, I observed radioclinical discrepancies that could lead us to make errors in evaluating patients, a crucial step in managing such conditions.

"We don't treat images," but can we have an additional tool in our assessment to help us better understand the mechanisms and refine our diagnosis ?...

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